St. Louis County

FY2024 and FY2025 Continuum of Care

Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)

Intent to Apply & Threshold Assessment

All applicants must submit the completed form and requested attachments by Tuesday, August 27, 2024. If you do not submit this application by the deadline, you will not be eligible for funding in the FY2024 and FY2025 CoC NOFO competition. Once you hit submit at the bottom of the page, you will not be able to edit any of the information on this page of the application. Please make sure all of the information you input is complete and correct before hitting submit. Do not use the forward or back button on the browser to navigate the application. Also, see an acronym or term you’re unsure of? Click here to reference our CoC NOFO Key Glossary Terms under 2024 and 2025 NOFO Documents. If you have questions, please email the CoC at Thank You!

Project Description:

Renewal Projects Only:

New Projects Only:
0/2500 characters

If necessary, you can add multiple projects to this application, after entering the initial project information, click the Add Project button to add an additional project to this application.
Coordinated Assessment & Referral:
CoC Participation
    • a) Participating in the annual point-in-time sheltered and unsheltered count;
    • b) Submitting program reports to the CoC by requested deadlines;
    • c) Participating in an annual CoC Planning, Gaps Analysis and Needs Assessment;
    • d) Submitting required LSA, HIC, and GIW reports in a timely manner, and
    • e) Giving the Local System Administrator administratrive access to all of your programs reported in the HIC or providing necessary waiver request to CoC and submitting required data in a timely manner.
Please check ALL that apply to your program:
Chronic Homeless Preference (PSH Projects Only)
Annual Progress Report (Renewal Projects Only)
Other HUD Requirements
  0/2000 characters
  0/2000 characters

Warning HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Convictions may result in criminal and/or civil penalties (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802).


By submitting this application, I certify and agree that I am the owner or the authorized agent of the owner of the above business and that all information submitted is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I further agree that false or misleading statements will result in nullifying the grant application and require the immediate return of any allocated grant funds to St. Louis County. Failure to provide proper documentation of the information provided in this application to St. Louis County upon request shall render the grant application incomplete, and will result in the grant being nullified and require that all grant funds received be returned immediately to St. Louis County. I understand the information submitted may be public data, pursuant to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. I further understand that St. Louis County may audit the use of the grant funds.

*By providing an email address, you are authorizing St. Louis County to exchange information with you about your application using unencrypted email. This information may include private or nonpublic data. Unencrypted email is not secure. You accept the risk that data may be intercepted by someone other than the intended recipient and understand that St. Louis County is not liable for any damages caused by such interception. Selecting email does not authorize St. Louis County to release private or nonpublic data to anyone other than the recipient unless otherwise allowed by law.

Click to agree